‘Tom Waits for No Man’ (concert #26 cicle WdWfW)
7/12/2024 19:30
Event s lindsay hannon

‘Tom Waits for No Man’ (concert #26 cicle WdWfW)

Organitzat per: WdWfW / The Impossible Bird

TEATRE SA CONGREGACIÓ. Carrer Rosari 25 - 07420- Sa Pobla (Illes Balears) Veure mapa TEATRE SA CONGREGACIÓ. Carrer Rosari 25 - 07420- Sa Pobla (Illes Balears) 7/12/2024 19:30

Tria les teves entradesCompra les teves entrades

OFERTA ESPECIAL: 50 primeres entrades

20,00 € 15,00 €

Anticipada general

20,00 € 18,00 €


20,00 €
0,00 €
Despeses de gestió:
0,00 €
0,00 €
0,00 €

Detall de l'esdeveniment

Celebram el dia del  75 aniversari de Tom Waits amb un concert molt especial

- ‘Tom Waits for No Man’

Vocalist and composer Lindsay Hannon (“A voice soulful, brooding & unselfconscious in its longing” - Jazz Journal) has chosen and re-arranged a selection of songs from the legendary Tom Waits decades spanning back catalogue. From the tender nostalgia of 'Martha', the gospel infused 'Picture in a frame' and the variously, dark, comedic and lewd content of such numbers as 'Pasties and a G-string’, 'Christmas card from a hooker in Minneapolis’; this may be an opportunity to reacquaint yourself with this stellar artist, or perhaps discover for the first time, a few of the reasons that maintain his reputation as songwriter of international acclaim.


             Lindsay Hannon – Vocals

             Alan Law – Piano

             Paul Grainger – Double bass

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