Susanne Herzog, violín & Dietmar Schwalke, violoncello & Alexander Malter, piano

Iglesia del Port de Sóller. Iglesia del Port de Soller, Esquina Calle del Canonge Oliver / Calle de la Iglesia - See map
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Event details

Susanne Herzog, violín; 2ª concertina Orquesta Sinfonica de la Radio Berlín
Dietmar Schwalke, violoncello; Filharmonica de Berlín
Alexander Malter, piano

Johann Seb. Bach (1685-1750)  Sonata, no. 3, mi mayor para violín y piano, BWV 1016



                                                                        Adagio ma non tanto



César Franck  (1822-1943)          Sonata para piano y violín, la mayor, op. 120

                                                                        (arreglo para violoncello y piano)

                                                                        Allegretto moderato


                                                                        Recitativo-Fantasia. Moderato

                                                                        Allegretto poco mosso


                                                     ---- Pausa ----

 Sergej Rachmaninow                    Trio élégiaque, no. 2, re menor, op. 9 para piano, violín y violoncello

(1873-1943)                                          "A la mémoire d'un grand artiste"

                                                                        Moderato - Allegro vivace

                                                                        Quasi variazione

                                                                        Allegro risoluto - Moderato



Access policy

The promoter has not specified underage access policy, if you have any question please contact directly with the promoter.



Kammermusik vom Feinsten
Es war ein wunderschönes Konzert mit hervorragenden Künstlern. Herausragend das wunderbare Cello. Herrn Malter hätte ich einen besseren Flügel gewünscht, besonders der Rachmaninow hat uns begeistert. Vielen Dank für das gelungene Konzert, wir werden wiederkommen.
Hover Sylvia Attended on 7/10/2023
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