Upside Down-Cia. Artístico (CIRCAIRE '23)

Circ a la Fresca-Port d'Alcúdia. Circ a la Fresca. Passeig Maritim 32, 07400 Port d'Alcudia, Alcudia, Mallorca España - See map
Several dates -
Brought to you by CIRCAIRE
Promoter s 1
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Online sales are closed.

For more information please contact the organizer.

The organizer's data is in the "Brought to you by" section.

Event details


*Entrada gratuïta per infants fins als 4 anys inclosos.

50 minuts

Kelly Laner i Daniel Rossetti presenten UpSide Down, un espectacle divertit que barreja l'humor i l'acrobàcia al so de la música rock.

Access policy

The promoter has not specified underage access policy, if you have any question please contact directly with the promoter.


Un espectacle molt entretingut i divertit per a tothom.
Fundación Amaranta Attended on 7/05/2023
Cia. Clownómadas
Muy buena pareja artistica
Cia. Clownómadas Attended on 7/05/2023
Molt bon show! Varem passar una estona ben divertida!
Marta Attended on 7/05/2023
Buenas canciones y buena interpretación
Miguel Angel Labrador Simon Attended on 7/05/2023
Ens va agradar moltíssim. Un espectacle molt variat i sorprenent.
Magdalena Attended on 7/05/2023
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