VERA VAN HEERINGEN (concert #20 cicle musical WOMEN don´t WAIT for WAITS)

AUDITORI DEL CENTRE DE CULTURA "SA NOSTRA". Carrer de la Concepció, 12, 07012 Palma, Illes Balears - See map
Several dates -
Brought to you by WOMEN don´t WAIT for WAITS
Promoter s logo wdwfw pere joan

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Event details

Quatre anys després del seu excepcional concert al cicle WOMEN don´t WAIT for WAITS, torna a Mallorca per demanda popular una de les millors guitarristes que poguem veure en directe dins el circuit folk anglosaxó

Access policy

The promoter has not specified underage access policy. If you have any questions, please contact them directly.



Una meravella!!!!!
Fantàstic, en volem més.
Pau Attended on 23/12/2022
Buen concierto, algo corto
Rafaela Attended on 23/12/2022
Voz de angel
Una pasada de artista con la guitarra y la voz
Mireia Rallo Attended on 23/12/2022
Vera is the best!
Peter Deutsch Attended on 23/12/2022
Guitarrista i cantante excepcional
Killer Nun Attended on 23/12/2022
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