JACKIE OATES + Rosie Hood (WDW-chapter 18) PALMA - Auditori "Sa Nostra"
Event s jackie palma

JACKIE OATES + Rosie Hood (WDW-chapter 18) PALMA - Auditori "Sa Nostra"

Antolatzailea: WOMEN don´t WAIT

Auditori OBRA SOCIAL "SA NOSTRA". c/Concepció, 12. 07012 Mapa ikusi Auditori OBRA SOCIAL "SA NOSTRA". c/Concepció, 12. 07012

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Concert #18 del cicle musical WOMEN don´t WAIT


Jackie Oates is a singer and fiddle player hailing from Staffordshire. Her unique treatment of English ballads and songs, and pure, haunting singing style has established her at the forefront of the new English folk revival.

Since appearing as a finalist in the BBC Radio 2 Young Folk Awards 2003, she has performed extensively at festivals and venues across the country and beyond, in a solo capacity and with her band. She was a founder member of Northumbrian group and Mercury nominated Rachel Unthank and the Winterset, Jackie is now a permanent member of the folk super-group The Imagined Village as well as touring in her own right.

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