Piazzolla Nuestro - Martin Alvarado + Matti Laukkanen

Mallorca. ESGLÉSIA DE LA SANG, Carrer del Hospici 4 - Veure mapa
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Organitzat per Waltraud Gregan

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Thu / Jue 17.10.2024, 19.30h hs

Described as the “voice of tango" in the 21st century” and the “best voice of Buenos Aires”, Martín Alvarado is one of Argentina’s most prominent contemporary tango singers and one of the finest vocalists in the history of tango.

Matti Laukkanen is one of the creators of the "New Finnish Tango Nuevo" and one of the world leading artists in modern tango music.

"Piazzolla nuestro" (Our Piazzolla) is the name of the upcoming album by the duo, their second one, to be presented in concerts in Finland and Spain during 2024 autumn.

The repertoire consists of songs written by legendary argentinian bandoneon player and composer Astor Piazzolla, many of them very rarely known, with groundbreaking arrangements created by Laukkanen and sung with the unique style of Alvarado.

Martín Alvarado: vocals

Matti Laukkanen: piano and arrangements

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